
Central and East of England > Hertfordshire

POhWER was founded in Hertfordshire in 1996. 

We offer the following services in Hertfordshire:

We deliver services in the county in partnership with a wide range of voluntary sector organisations; including:

Royal Association for Deaf People (RAD) logo       Health & Independent Living Support (HILS) Logo       Viewpoint Logo

How do I get support from an advocate?

To make a referral to the advocacy services in Hertfordshire, you can download the forms below:

If you are deaf and would like to make a referral for deaf advocacy including support in BSL, please contact The Royal Association for Deaf People (RAD) directly:

Online referral at: www.royaldeaf.org.uk/make-a-referral 
Send a BSL video or email to: [email protected]  
Text SMS: 07851 423866
Telephone: 0300 688 2525

Find out more about The Royal Association for Deaf People (RAD) (video)  

If you are not sure whether you can get an advocate, or for more information, advice and support in your area, you can contact us on 0300 456 2370 or email [email protected]

Local Leaflets

Other useful information

Learning disabilities - help with your health

The Learning disabilities - help with your health website supports people with a learning disability (and their carers) to access help with their health. 

The website currently includes:

  • Easy-read Leaflets regarding Learning Disability Nursing Services and what they can do to help you
  • Information regarding Annual Health Checks
  • Information regarding Purple Folders
  • List of Purple Star Services in Hertfordshire. (The Purple Star a quality kite mark and is offered to all health providers who are willing to review their service, to undertake training and improvements to provide a reasonably adjusted, equitable service for people with a Learning Disability).
  • A section on ‘How to Stay Healthy’

Cuckooing - what is it? and how to report it

Cuckooing is where criminals take over the home of a vulnerable person to use it as a base for their activities.

If you suspect someone is a victim of Cuckooing please report it.

To find out more about Cuckooing or to find out how to report please visit the Hertfordshire County Council - What is Cuckooing? page

If you would like the opportunity to help make services better for adults with learning disabilities in Hertfordshire, you might be interested in applying to join The Hertfordshire Learning Disability Co-production Board.

Co-production is when people work on new ideas and make decisions together to make something that works well for everyone.

To apply contact HertsHelp today by phone 0300 123 4044 or email [email protected].

The Hertfordshire Learning Disability Co-production Board will meet 4 times a year and there will be other meetings in between.

What will you do as a member of The Hertfordshire Learning Disability Co-production Board?

  • You will need to go to the Co-production Board and other meetings to say what you think
  • You will need to talk to other adults with learning disabilities to find out what they think too
  • You will work with other people, carers, families and professionals
  • You can be a Co-production Board member for up to 3 years
  • You can have someone to support you before and at meetings, to explain and help you be involved
  • You can have training to help you learn new skills
  • You can receive a small payment as well as help towards your expenses