Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking statement of POhWER - 1st October 2022

This statement is made pursuant to the Modern Slavery Act 2015 (“the Act”). It sets out our approach and steps that the charity has taken to ensure that modern slavery or human trafficking is not taking place in any part of the charity or its supply chain. Although POhWER is below the size threshold of an organisation required to report a modern slavery statement, as a human rights charity we believe it is important to adopt the highest level of standards to combat modern slavery and human trafficking.

Structure, Operations and Supply Chains

POhWER is a charitable company. We help people who, because of disability, illness, social exclusion and other challenges, find it difficult to express their views or get the support they need.

Our mission is to empower people to have a voice and make a real difference to their lives. We do this by speaking for them when they can't and supporting them to speak for themselves when they can.

We are a charity and the advocacy, information and advice services we provide are free, independent, and confidential.

Our supply chain is service-led and accounts for a small proportion of our overall costs. We procure business services including office facilities, information technology goods and services, communication services and professional services. We also work in partnership with other organisations who hold similar aims to our own.

Policies in Relation to Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking

Our Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Policy sets out a zero-tolerance approach to the issue. The charity will take action against anyone engaged with the charity who does not comply with the Act.

Our safeguarding, procurement, and ethical policies support our Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking policy with specific actions that support overall compliance.


Due Diligence and the Supply Chain

Our suppliers are expected to adhere to the high standards set out in our Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Policy as well as the Act. Compliance is embedded in our procurement policy and processes, as well as terms and conditions of purchase that allow us to terminate agreements with any supplier who fails to comply with the standards.


Risk Areas and Risk Management

We are alive to the fact that victims of modern slavery and human trafficking can be in plain sight, and may not realise that they are victims. Given the service-led nature of our operations we have identified that modern slavery and human trafficking is most likely to occur in lower-skilled roles performed by suppliers to the charity. Each supplier is relationship managed by a manager within the charity, who will use the Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking policy to guide a risk assessment and in-depth engagement with the supplier where concerns justify it. We pay the national living wage and have appropriate payroll controls to prevent modern slavery in our own workforce.

Effectiveness in Tackling Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking, and Performance Indicators

We have found no instances of modern slavery or human trafficking in the reporting period. We have conducted an external supplier survey to understand compliance with our policy.

Training and Capacity Building

As stated, POhWER has a zero-tolerance approach to modern slavery and human trafficking. The Board of Trustees and Executive Group set this approach to champion awareness of the issue. All colleagues are inducted on our Modern Slavery Policy and suppliers are also made aware of our requirements.


Helen Moulinos, Chief Executive