Get involved Fundraise Shop and donate You can support POhWER’s amazing work by simply shopping. Select POhWER as your charity of choice and a percentage of every purchase or a checkout donation goes to POhWER. It is so easy and there are several options to do it. Easyfundraising Shop as normal with over 4,200 retailers, just start your shopping journey first at, or on the App. Once you make a purchase, the retailer will make a small donation to POhWER to say 'thank you'. Download our guide on how to use easy fundraising Visit Making a Difference Cards You can fully personalise cards or ecards and choose when you want them to be delivered, up to a year in advance. With a minimum donation of £1 going to POhWER- your cards really will make a difference by helping us to empower the voices of marginalised people in the community. Buy your personalised greeting cards and e-cards in support of POhWER Ebay for Charity You can now donate POhWER on ebay. By making POhWER you’re favourite charity you'll have the option to donate up to £25 to POhWER. It's a quick and easy way to support POhWER's life changing work without making a separate transaction. If you are selling on ebay, you can also donate a percentage of your sale to POhWER. Download our guide on how to donate a percentage of your ebay sales Download our guide on how to donate through Ebay for Charity Visit ebay for charity Manage Cookie Preferences