About us Working in partnership Working in partnership We recognise the importance of building strong relationships so that we can provide the best possible support to our service users. We work with: Local Organisations Developing good working relationships with other local organisations helps us understand and meet the needs of the local population. By sharing local knowledge with community organisations and support groups we can ensure that we reach hard-to-reach communities and everyone needing our support can access it. We share resources with our partners such as providing or sharing the cost of training and organising shared drop-in sessions and awareness raising events. We also deliver a number of partnership contracts where we work jointly with local specialist providers to deliver seamless integrated advocacy services. Commissioners We try to ensure that we have an open and honest relationship with our commissioners. We meet with them regularly and provide detailed reports of the work we are doing including anonymous feedback and case studies. Professionals We know that good communication with doctors, social workers, care managers, complaints teams and other professionals can help us get better outcomes for our service users. We rely on professionals to refer people who need support to us so it is important that they have confidence in our services and know that our advocates are well trained and qualified. We make a point of going out to meet professionals, offer training and attend team meetings to explain our services. Our services are independent, confidential and user-led so we never allow relationships with professionals to negatively affect our work with service users. Manage Cookie Preferences