About us Meet the team Meet the team We bring together people with a range of advocacy and professional experiences. Explore the profiles of key members of our team, our Trustees, our Executive Team, our Vice Presidents and our Patrons. Our Trustees POhWER has a Board of Trustees who make the strategic decisions on the activities, policies and priorities of the charity. Our Patrons POhWER has five Patrons who take a real interest in the work we do. In memory of Arthur Bate and Owen Parry Our Vice Presidents Our Vice Presidents are people who have supported POhWER for many, many years. Read about these very special supporters. Our Executive Team POhWER’s Executive Team is responsible for the day to day strategic and operational leadership of the Charity and includes the Chief Executive, Deputy Chief Executive, Director of Fundraising & Engagement, Director of Finance & Resources and the People Director. The Chief Executive reports into the Chair of the Board of Trustees and the Executive Team reports into the Chief Executive. Manage Cookie Preferences