Amira is in her early twenties and lives at home with her mother Mahira. She also attends the local college. She has cerebral palsy and uses a wheelchair. Amira was referred to POhWER for support from a Care Act Advocate when concerns were raised by her social worker about Mahira refusing delivery of equipment which was needed to keep Amira safe. Mahira said she had sent it away because Amira did not want it. Lucy, a POhWER advocate was asked to establish Amira's views. 

Lucy met Amira at college so that Amira could independently express her views and wishes without being influenced. On the first visit Lucy spent time getting to know Amira and finding out her likes and dislikes, and her ability to express what she thought and felt. Lucy found Amira to be very articulate. Amira described the pain and difficulties she experienced both at college and at home and told Lucy that she had chosen new equipment and was waiting for it to arrive, but it hadn't come yet. Amira also expressed her worries about her health and in particular, her physical difficulties and the pain she experienced. She also told Lucy that she had no privacy during her personal care routines at home as she lacked the necessary equipment which meant her mother had to get in the shower with her to ensure her safety.

Lucy was able to discuss Amira’s wishes for the future and the support she values while at college. Lucy observed her telling staff when her back was hurting and giving clear instructions as to what she needed which was a standing frame and exercises to relieve the pain in her back.

Lucy realised that this support from the physiotherapist only happened while Lucy was at College. When the college was shut throughout the summer holidays, Amira told Lucy that in the summer she spends most of her time lying on her bed watching TV as she does not have the equipment she needs to access her wheelchair and move around freely without support.

Lucy wrote about her findings and Amira’s wishes as a report and sent this to her social worker. This aided the social worker in ensuring Amira was safeguarded to access the equipment she wanted to keep her safe and mobile at home, and to give her the privacy she should be able to have. 

Lucy also raised that Amira did not receive any physiotherapy while away from college and that her needs should be reviewed. A review of Amira’s care and support needs was arranged, and Lucy supported Amira to express her needs and wishes and be involved in her own care planning. 

Lucy supported Amira to uphold her human rights to privacy, freedom of expression, and right to liberty and security.