In your area Secure Services Where we provide Secure and Complex Advocacy Services POhWER provides Secure and Complex Advocacy in hospitals, units and residential homes across England and in Scotland We provide advocacy at hospitals and homes managed by eleven organisations: Coveberry (CareTech): Oldbury, Uplands Coventry & Warwickshire Partnership NHS Trust: Brooklands Hospital Elysium: Arbury Court, Badby Park, Braeburn House, Barnet Lane Clinic, Chadwick Lodge, Farmfield, Pathfields Lodge, Potters Bar Clinic, Rhodes Wood, Spring House, St Neots Hospital, Sturt House, The Avalon Centre, The Bridge, The Chimneys, The Spinney, Thornford Park, Three Valleys Hospital Enbridge: Elizabeth House, Magna House Hospital, Southern Hill Hospital. Leicestershire Partnership Trust: The Agnes Unit, The Beacon Unit, The Bradgate Unit Mersey Care: Ashworth Hospital, HMP Altcourse, HMP Liverpool, Hollins Park Hospital, Rathbone Hospital, Rowan View MSU, Whalley Hospital Norfolk & Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust: Hellesdon Hospital Kingfisher Mother and Baby Unit PJL Healthcare: Framfield Children's Home, Mayfield Children’s Home The Priory: Burston House, Burton Park, Priory Hospital Cloisters, Elm House, Elm Park Cottage, Elm Park Hospital, Hazelwood House Hospital, Kemple View, Kneesworth House Hospital, Lombard House, Mill Garth Hospital, Priory Highbank, Priory Hospital Arnold, Priory Hospital Dewsbury, Priory Hospital Dorking, Priory Hospital East Midlands, Priory Hospital Glasgow, Priory Hospital Hayes Grove, Priory Hospital Hemel Hempstead, Priory Hospital Lincolnshire, Priory Hospital Market Weighton, Priory Hospital Middleton St George, Priory Hospital Nottingham, Priory Hospital Preston, Priory Hospital Suttons Manor, Priory Hospital Richmond House, Priory Hospital Stockton Hall Hospital St Elizabeth's Centre Charity St Elizabeth's Centre West London NHS Trust: Broadmoor Hospital Manage Cookie Preferences