Independent Mental Health Advocacy Service

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A graphic of the mental health act with someone in under section standing in front of it.  POhWER provides an advocacy service for people who have been sectioned. 

A lady with a her arms thrown outwards in confusion.  Our Independent Mental Health Advocacy service can help you understand what is happening. 

A service user standing in front of a support team made up health and social care professionals.  We can provide you with details of people who can support you. 

A lady is pointing at four different options.  We can you help you to understand the choices you have. 

You can use this service if you are:

A graphic of the mental health act with someone in under section standing in front of it.  Detained under a certain section of the mental health act. 

A graphic of the mental health act with sometime taking Guardianship over someone sectioned.  If you are under Guardianship or a Community Treatment Order. 

A lady is standing in front of a sign that is pointing lots of different ways.  Thinking about treatments that have been suggested to you. 

How can your advocate support you? 

An advocate who is talking to their client who is sitting in a wheelchair.  They can explain what is happening to you and your rights. 

A group of people are sitting round a table having a meeting.  They can help to prepare and support you at meetings and ward rounds. 

A patient communicating with the staff on the ward.  They can help you to communicate with staff. 

A client going through her medical records.  They can help you to access you medical and local authority records.